Building Stats
- Immediate access to I-355 via 143rd St
- Building signage on I-355
- Low Will County real estate taxes
- Fully secured site with guard shacks
- Multiple warehouse break rooms and bathrooms
- Secured driver’s entrance and shipping office
- Cross-dock facility
- Building Size: 363,224 SF
- Main Office: 3,281 SF
- Warehouse Break Room: 3,517 SF
- Secondary Office: 4,290 SF
- Warehouse Cafeteria: 5,218 SF
- Shipping Office: 1,655 SF
- Clear Height: 36' Clear
- Loading: 64 Exterior Truck Docks (Expandable)
- Drive-in Doors: 4
- Electric: 2,500 Amps, 277/480 Volts (Expandable)
- Lighting: T5
- Car Parking: 344 Spaces
- Trailer Parking: Up to 100 Stalls On Site
- Column Spacing: 50’ x 48’, with a 60’ speed bay
- Sprinkler System: ESFR
Contact Info
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