Building Stats
- Heavy car parking
- Less than 1 mile to four-way interchange at I-94 and Touhy Ave
- Diverse labor pool
- New spec office
- Walking distance to retail / food amenities
- Metra Bus stop at Touhy Ave & Central Ave
- 5 Minutes to Edgebrook Metra station
- 6 Minutes to Morton Grove Metra station
- Building SF: Size: ± 486,884 SF
- Office SF: ± 6,851 SF
- Clear Height: ± 15'
- Loading Docks: 3 Interior Docks
- Auto Parking: 200+ Spaces
- Sprinkler: Wet
- Column Spacing: 40' X 30'
- Lighting: LED
- Electric: 800 Amps @ 208 Volts (Two 400 Amp Services)
- Sprinkler: Wet
Interior Renovations

Contact Info
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